residual noise drones and convoluted beats from the outskirts of the city


/ CTRT003

In Ana y las Romanoides (o de las telepatias transaurales), Ana María Romano G. redefines digital distortion and pushes it beyond 11. Slow and tense synthetic pulses and noise waves are met with reality, as captured in the artist's field recordings around the various struggles of women in Colombia. Created during the COVID-19 pandemic, the music reminds us our place at the brink of destruction.

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MUSEXPLAT, August 2022

(...) Ana nos sumerge en los sonidos de las historias contadas y no contadas, encontramos la palabra hablada por mujeres que quieren ser escuchadas, encontramos la voz profunda de mujeres luchadoras y que en medio de todo el caos que las acompaña, siguen luchando por defender sus voces. Poesía digital, diría yo, contadas por y no solo para mujeres, sino para todos.

Marsella Gómez

Full text

**Album Credits**

Released June 13, 2022.

En la mitad de la nada y en el borde de la piel V2 (26'21")

Online concert: Jefferson Park EXP (Chicago, United States), October 11, 2020

**Author**: Ana María Romano G.

**Recording**: Keith Helt

An improvisation set using real-time electronic processing, synthesizer and electroacoustics. The recordings that I include come from pandemic soundscape recordings and some works that I composed in 2020 (Con el deseo a flor de calle, Respiraciones and Colibrí, the latter is part of the work Remota Yee, created by ENJAMBRE -Zoitsa Noriega, Gabriela Pardo, Rebeca Rocha, Rafael Arévalo and Ana María Romano G.-. The song that is heard is from Codiba Ña' and the testimony is from Kelly Peña).

A mundanear que el mundo se va a acabar (21'03")

Online concert from the Streamingfest III of Ciclo Ruido and TVL REC (Buenos Aires, Argentina), May 16, 2020

**Author**: Ana María Romano G.

**Recording**: Carlos Eduardo Quebrada Vásquez

An improvisation set using real-time electronic processing, synthesizer and electroacoustics. The recordings that I include come from soundscape recordings and some of my works (Out of Nowhere, Incluye postre, Yo conozco tu locura porque también es la mía).

Album Mastering

Anna Xambó

Album Artwork Design

Carpal Tunnel


(CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) Ana María Romano G.